
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Racial diversity

Similar to the recent casts of Saturday Night Live, main-stream comics do not have enough prominent black women.  This is especially noticeable in the film versions, which are growing more and more popular every year; however, other than Halle Berry as Storm in the X-Men films, there seems to be no other black female super-heroines. In the upcoming and overlauded Superman vs.Batman, we will be treated to 3 of the whitest comic book heroes ever known: would it have been that much of a stretch or sacrilege to make Wonder Woman black? She is an Amazon, right? We've seen a black Kingpin in the Daredevil flick and a black Perry White in Superman (Samuel Jackson's Nick Fury used to be a white guy back in the day, also), so the transition is possible for ANY character, if the all powerful fans would allow it.  Of course, the die-hard fan-base wants to see the EXACT version of the comic character on the big screen, which is understandable, but it brings the argument back around to the fact that almost none of the major female characters in the DC or Marvel universe are black. While there has been development of Muslim, Latino, and Asian characters, both female and male, it seems that black super-heroines are stuck in the '70's as two-dimensional stereotypes for the occasional story arc that happens to occur in a lower urban setting.

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